19 April, 2006

No Place for a Child -- Stop detaining children now! TAKE ACTION

Hope your break has been great, STAR members. Please take a moment to SPEAK OUT FOR CHILD DETAINEES below! Stay tuned for information on our upcoming photo exihibit at LSE's library in May.
Last year the UK government locked up over 2000 children -- not for committing any crime, but simply for bureaucratic convenience as a part of the asylum process. The decision is taken by an immigration official and doesn't need to have any judicial review.

These children aren't told how long they will be detained -- it could be weeks or even many months. One third are detained for at least seven days. Detention is traumatic for any child; they feel they are being punished and they don't know why. Many of them have come to the UK to escape terror from state officials in their own country. There's plenty of evidence that the effects of detention are extremely damaging.

The Refugee Council has joined with Save The Children and Bail for Immigration Detainees to fight to stop children being detained. As the campaign is launched, LSE STAR asks you to take three simple and quick steps:
1. Send an e-postcard to Charles Clarke
2. Lobby your MP
3. Tell five friends to do the same! Send them this link: http://www.noplaceforachild.org/

Help make a huge campaigner response this spring.


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